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Eat, little bird

Her name is Thanh. She was born and raised in Australia, and now lives in Switzerland. She's the daughter of a baker, the wife of a Frenchman, and a mother to two adventurous (but sometimes picky) eaters. Her parents ran a busy Vietnamese bakery when she was growing up, which meant she was there everyday after school and on weekends, often sampling more than she was allowed while she was doing her homework, but more often helping her mum behind the counter and decorating the cakes for her pocket money. She swore she would never go into the food industry and, instead, get a “proper” job. Which she did do, for about 15 years. But she found herself frequently reminiscing about the cakes and biscuits from her parents’ bakery, the trays of meat pies and sausage rolls that used to come out of the oven everyday, the smell of freshly baked bread every morning. One day, she realised that she was more passionate about food than an office job after all. She now work full-time as a food photographer and food stylist, and, like her parents, is surrounded by food 24/7. Life has a funny way of proving you wrong sometimes.

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